Mea culpa, mea maxima culpa
Posted in Comment on 11/05/2010 03:51 pm by
A confession – latent technophobia got the better of me!
When Stephen and I set up Climate Answers, we did it with our own funds and were determined to carry on running it that way – as a not for profit organisation. That is, we were unwilling to take sponsorship unless it was from a spotless source.
But, we did want to encourage people to be part of our project, so set up a PayPal account into which donations could be made to help cover some of the running costs (see Support this Website). However, we never really expected anybody to provide this support…
How wrong can you be?
I didn’t realise that the account had been set up incorrectly and that PayPal had suspended it until we made certain changes. And I didn’t notice that reader’s kind donations were being bounced back to them!
So, mea culpa as one might say. We have now rectified the problem with PayPal’s help. Therefore, if anybody wishes to support us, they can now do so by going to Support this Website.
And my apologies to those of you who kindly tried to donate to our enterprise and I hope that you will continue to support this website in the future!
Jon Trevelyan, (Editor and Co-founder)