Poland – climate and energy statistics
Posted in National and regional statistics on 11/02/2009 12:54 pm by Stephen Tindale
Greenhouse gas emissions as percentage of global total, 2004 figure
< 1%
Historical contribution – 1850 to 2000
< 1%
Change in annual greenhouse gas emissions, 1990-2006
– 29%
2005 per capita annual greenhouse gas emissions
9.8 tonnes
Balance of energy sources, 2008
% | |
Coal | 56 |
Oil | 25 |
Gas | 12.75 |
Renewables | 6 |
Hydro | 0.2 |
Energy security
Poland is self-sufficient in coal (having the ninth largest global reserves). It does not have significant oil or gas reserves.
Electricity generated in 2008
% | |
Coal | 92 |
Gas | 2 |
Biomass | 2 |
Hydro | 1.75 |
Oil | 1.5 |
Wind | 0.5 |
Waste | 0.2 |
Installed Wind Capacity
2006 153Mw
2008 472Mw
Electricity – supply and demand
The following are from a Vattenfall Poland 2007 presentation:
- The per capita electricity consumption represents 40% of EU 15 average. The annual per capita consumption of electricity in Poland in 2004 was 2,600kWh v 6,200kWh in Germany and 14,500kWh in Sweden.
- Given the relatively high expected GDP-growth, consumption in Poland is expected to grow significantly in the next two decades. The growth in available capacity is slower than growth in peak demand over the last years.
- Approximately 25GW of new built capacity will be needed in Poland within the next 15 to 20 years to cope with the replacement of old capacity and the increase in demand.
- Transmission system and cross-border connections need to be developed to ensure the security of supply.
- Current electricity prices are too low to make investments in new capacity financially attractive.
- Electricity prices in Poland are expected to converge to the German level in the mid to long term.
Fuel used for heat, 2008
Fuel | % |
Coal | 89 |
Gas | 6.5 |
Biomass | 2 |
Oil | 1.5 |
Waste | 0.75 |
Percentage of agricultural land certified as organic, 2006
Cars per thousand of population